Jim is a traditionally-published non-fiction book author.
He currently has contracts for two of his novels with a traditional publisher. The books should be published later this year or early next year.
He has been writing most of his life. In his teens, he began a neighborhood newspaper. He wrote novels and short stories. Admittedly, they weren’t very good (actually rather poor, looking back on it), but it showed his passion for writing. Then further schooling led him on another career path.
After obtaining his Ph.D., he became a university professor.
He followed that with a distinguished career as a NASA contractor where his ability to recognize problems, innovate, and find solutions earned him two of NASA’s highest awards.
In these positions he wrote a variety of items, including technical and research reports, requirements documents, white papers, manuals, procedures, and presentations. This background provides for a natural transition to excellent broad-spectrum writing capabilities.
To further enhance his writing skills, he took several professional development courses from the American Writers and Artists (AWAI). These courses included writing web content, B2B, video sales letters, emails, and other products. He is a member of their Professional Writers’ Alliance. He’s had copywriting training from some of the most successful copywriters in the US.
Dr. Stramler also briefly led yet another life.
He developed and ran a successful campaign for a City Council position and was re-elected twice before deciding not to run again. In that position, he became involved in regional economic development. He understands many of the processes and difficulties involved in trying to start and run businesses.

Since moving to the Asheville area, he has turned his sights back to writing.
What makes Dr. Stramler An Extraordinary Writer?
The coming together of all these skills, knowledge, and abilities. He is truly a unique individual. With his education and experience, Dr. Stramler is a natural for understanding the technical, creative, and marketing aspects of writing. He is able to translate technical aspects into practical information for people to understand. He is able to develop sales points for items ranging from direct response letters to emails. He is able to create written works of art.
Why you should hire him for whatever type of writing you need
He is a born writer.
You benefit from his experience by getting:
– precise and accurate information conveyed
– the emotional impact you want
– whether for selling something or just documenting an experience
– stories that have meaning for your intended audience
He is actually a great consultant, too.
Contact Dr. Stramler to get the extraordinary quality you need